07 Jun Dirt & Mud: how we are transforming our Digging Patch, the Benefits of Natural Play
Lets get digging:![]()
Giggles, smiles, eyes wide with wonder…. Watching how much the children at KC love playing in our digging patch, we were inspired to redesign the space to ensure more fun and learning.
Presenting pictures of different ways natural and recycled material could be used in our outdoor area to the KC children, we listen to their thoughts. We also sought feedback from our families on how their children interact with outdoor environments.

Natural and Recycled Materials:![]()
Seeing up-cycling and recycling in action, KC kids were further encouraged to engage their imaginations, finding ways to use these everyday materials in many different ways.
We can’t wait to see the children interact with the variety of natural elements we have installed. These includes; rocks, pebbles, small plants, sand and water.
Not only are these resources fantastic for math and language development, there are endless opportunities to incorporate these into play – the children will show you how!
Some families at KC have donated vegetable seedlings and a very generous community member has built a spectacular sensory and music station.
We’ve added to these herbs and….. Presto!! We now have our very own community garden we can harvest for our kitchen and share with our families.
This whole concept, design, build and delivery of our digging patch project has prompted KC kids to think and play creatively which is a critical part of mathematical and scientific learning.
Stay tuned for sensory paths and additional art work still to come.