KC School Readiness

Kids Cottage Preschool combines contemporary approaches of small group experiences that promotes your child’s natural desire to engage with the daily curriculum along with traditional group times that focus on numeracy and literacy. We have developed a Ready for School program that specialises in allowing each child to be immersed in a range of activities that focus on their social and emotional development, language skills, self-help skills, their desire to learn and the ability to make a smooth and successful transition to formal schooling . This program teaches the children a variety of literacy and numeracy skills, that promote children to learn concepts of writing, conversing with other, reading (learning phonics, letter sounds and names and sight words), developing number sense, counting, introduction to addition and subtraction, identification of simple shapes and recognition skills. The contemporary and traditional ‘ready for school’ program ensures that children develop skills for school and beyond such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication, logic and reasoning.

  • Successfully start school with confidence
  • Develop the foundations for lifelong learning by developing skills and abilities which give children the ability to learn effectively
  • Familiarise children with the school environment and associated routines, tasks, rules and expectations within that environment

Getting Ready for ‘Big School’


In the months leading up to the time your child leaves Kids Cottage and heads to ‘big school’ we will liaise with local schools in the area to orientate your child for the start of the school term. Our transition system enables us to work collaboratively with each child, family and school to deliver a seamless and supportive transition into formal education. This can involve information sessions for families on essential schooling information and visits to local schools to promote children’s awareness of the school environment. It is important for the children to become familiar with the new Primary School environment including such things as:

  • Where to put their school bag, hats and belongings
  • Meeting their teacher and seeing the classroom
  • Trying on their uniform and checking they have everything they need such as library bag, school hat and drink bottle
  • Knowing where facilities are within the school environment such as where the toilets are, where the bubblers are and how to use them