KC Sustainability

KC Sustainability is about encouraging the future generation to connect and contribute to their world. Sustainability is central to the Kids Cottage philosophy, and our programs provides opportunities for children to gather knowledge about the natural world and how individual and collective actions can have an impact. This program is also about getting children to notice and reflect on their interactions with the physical world, while introducing them to the scientific method.

Kids Cottage strives to operate sustainably and by using natural materials in our playrooms. Through the KC Sustainability program, children are taught about the importance of preserving our natural environment through hands-on activities such as planting vegetable gardens and then incorporating the fresh produce into their lunches.


In addition, we are also seeking to help shape the environment of tomorrow by:

  • Educating and inspiring our children about the wonders of the environment and the importance of growing up with a focus on sustainable practices.
  • Influencing our staff and families to be more sustainable in their home lives and partnering with the local community to do positive things for the environment, such as tree planting initiatives.
Plant tree