Sustainability for Me!

Sustainability for Me!

Sustainability may seem like a huge, way out there concept…to Kids Cottage (KC) it is central to our philosophy, learning programs and operations. Reuse, Up-cycle, Recycle, Sustainability…these are buzz words we hear every day. 
At KC we put these words into practice.
Why are we so passionate about Sustainability? 
We believe that it is our responsibility to encourage our future generations to connect with our natural environments and contribute to the solutions for the challenges that our environments face. 
Our learning programs provide opportunities for children to explore our natural world, gather knowledge about the environment and how their actions alone and together have an impact. Children are able to notice and reflect on their interactions with the physical world and are introduced to scientific methods and language.  
In our veggie garden we explore the importance of sustainable practices, the concept of paddock to plate is put into action where the vegetables that are planted and tended to are then harvested for their meals at Kids Cottage.
We use a worm farm/composting bin/ to reduce our food waste. The children are involved in maintaining the worm farm and compost bin. KC children are encouraged to place food scraps into separate containers for use in the worm farm or composting bin. Educators  discuss with children and families, which scraps worms can eat and which foods can be composted. 
We operate sustainably, role modelling energy and water conservation, turning off lights and air-conditioning when a room is not in use, emptying water play containers onto garden areas.
We seek to purchase equipment and materials that are environmentally friendly where possible. Reducing the amount of plastic and disposable material with a greater focus on using natural reusable materials in our playrooms and for activities. 
Sharing ideas between educators, children and families about sustainable ideas and resources the concept of “reduce, re-use and recycle” is part of everyday practice for all to build lifelong attitudes towards sustainable practices.
To find out more about how our Sustainability Philosophy and curriculum are put into practice contact us now, we’d love to hear from you.

If you would like to stop by and have a chat with one of our KC Educators we would love to meet with you and show you around. Simply call us on 9683 2770 or book online, click here